
植物科学学院的前身是原中国人民解放军军需大学农副业生产系, 2004年8月原军需大学移交教育部管理,与吉林大学合并后整合优势学科组建而成。

   学院学科设置齐全。具有生物学、作物学、植物保护、 农业资源与环境、园艺学5个一级学科。涵盖理学、农学和工学三大学科门类。开设农学、植物保护、园艺、农业资源与环境、生物技术(植物)5个本科专业。 学院下设作物学系、植物保护系、园艺系、农业资源与环境系、基础生物学系、机械工程教研室、农业实验教学中心、农业教学科研实习基地、机械工程教学实习基地及综合办公室、教学办公室、团委(学生工作办公室)。 参与生物学博士后流动站和生物化学与分子生物学博士点的招生与建设,拥有植物学二级学科博士学位授权点,作物学、植物保护、农业资源与环境3个一级学科硕士学位授权点,植物学二级学科硕士学位授权点,以及作物、植物保护、园艺和农业资源利用4个农业推广硕士学科点。“十一五”期间,植物病理学、作物遗传育种学被评为吉林省重点学科。“十二五”期间,作物学一级学科成为吉林省重点学科进行建设,植物病理学与植物营养学科被评为学校重点建设学科。植物保护专业被确立为国家“第二类特色专业建设点”。

   学院拥有一支素质高、潜力大、能力强、富于创新的师资队伍。主要来自国内一流重点大学和研究机构,如中国科学院、中国农业科学院、浙江大学、中国农业大学、南京农业大学、西北农林大学等。学院现有专职教师55人,其中教授9人,副教授21人,讲师25人;实验教师14人;高级职称人员35人,占教师总数的 50% ;有博士研究生导师10人,专兼职硕士研究生导师共47人;唐敖庆讲座教授2人,聘兼职教授15人。学院现有在校生1113人,其中本科生947人,研究生166人。自2008年以来,毕业生中有125人被推荐为清华大学、北京大学、南开大学、浙江大学、武汉大学、中国科学院、北京理工大学、中国农业大学等知名院校免试研究生;12名研究生被国家留学基金委选派到德国、日本、美国攻读博士学位。 2012年,学院本科生共有11名学生获国家奖学金,28名学生获国家励志奖学金,237名学生获得国家助学金,263名学生获得学年各类奖学金。学院已与20多家用人单位建立了联系,积极为学生创造就业机会。2012届本科毕业生有47人考上或保送为研究生,其中6人到国外深造,占毕业生总数的 23% 。2013年学院有32名毕业生被推荐为免试研究生,保送到南开大学、浙江大学、北京大学、中国农科院、复旦大学、吉林大学等学校攻读硕士。2008-2012年毕业生一次性就业率近90%。毕业生大多在相关行业部门就业,并在各自工作岗位上发挥着重要作用。

   学院人才培养硬件设施与条件完备、先进。设有植物生物技术实验室、植物生理生化实验室、生物学实验室、植物遗传育种实验室、植物栽培与利用实验室、植物保护实验室、生态与气候实验室、农业化学和资源实验室、农药实验室、计算机辅助设计(CAD)工作站、数码互动显微镜实验室、机械工程综合实验室共 12个本科教学实验室。实验教学统一归实验教学中心管理。植物科学实验教学中心 2009 年被评为省级实验示范教学中心。为培养本科生科技创新能力,学院建有植物分子生物学研究室、生物种质资源与利用研究室、有害生物综合防治研究室和农业生态与环境研究室等综合研究平台;近几年,学部投资新建了以美国加州大学洛杉矶分校林辰涛教授为首席科学家的土壤 ― 植物分子遗传学实验室。学院十分重视学生实践能力培养,建有占地70万平米的农业教学科研实习基地,其中示范用地53万平米,实验用地7万平米,日光温室3000平米,智能温室2000平米,果园1.5万平米。2009年,学院成功申报了教育部农林试点实践基地两个项目,项目总经费达到600多万元,极大地改善实验实习与实践条件。并与10多家企事业单位合作建立了校外实习基地,教学设施完备。


  学院拥有国家级与省级工程中心、重点实验室、国际科技合作基地等科研平台。现有资源微生物功能研究中心、作物基因工程省级重点实验室、玉米国家工程实验室、土壤—植物分子遗传学实验室、转基因中试基地卫星实验室等国家及省部级科研平台,目前已经成为吉林省乃至东北地区高级农业科技人才的重要培养基地。学院还与美国伊利诺伊大学建立了实质性科研合作,所成立的“国际现代农业示范推广基地” 被吉林省科技厅批准为国际科技合作基地,该基地被学校列为吉林大学国际现代农业示范推广引智基地。

   学院主持参加了国家“十一五”、“十二五”国家科技支撑计划、“973”、“863”项目、国家自然科学基金、农业部公益类行业计划项目、农业部转基因生物新品种培育重大和重点专项、行业发展计划、留学归国科研基金、省科技厅项目等科研课题60余项。在国家生物转基因新品种培育重大项目和重点项目启动中,获得多项资助,年均到位科研经费900余万元,使我院科研团队进入国家队行列。其中,“作物重大真菌病害成灾机理与绿色防控新技术”研究团队被列为教育部创新团队培养对象。学院先后获得省部级科研成果19项,其中省级科技进步二等奖以上14项。近几年来,我院科研团队培育出了军单8号、军单15号、吉大101玉米高产抗病新品种,吉大3 、吉大6 、吉大7高产优质多抗广适水稻新品种,以及吉大豆1号、大豆2号、大3号高产优质大豆新品种。其中,吉大3 、吉大6 水稻新品种获得了国家植物新品种保护权。几年来,公开发表论文550多篇,其中被SCI 、EI 收录近百篇,申请专利50余项。




Biotechnology (Plant)

  专业介绍 生物技术 是指以现代生命科学为基础, 对生物进行研究、改造和利用的技术, 是21世纪生命科学发展的主流。本专业以植物为研究对象,在细胞、分子及代谢等水平进行研究。 通过各环节培养,使学生熟练掌握 现代生命科学 的基本知识、基本理论和基本实验技能,了解生命科学的理论前沿和最新发展动态,培养学生创新意识,注重知识、能力、素质协调发展 。

   主干课程 植物学、植物生理学、生物化学、分子生物学、微生物学、遗传学、细胞生物学、细胞工程、基因工程、蛋白质与酶工程、发酵工程、生物信息学、天然产物化学、植物代谢调控等。

   就业方向 毕业后可在生物相关企业、科研院校等从事技术、管理、教学及科研等工作;也可报考生命科学相关专业的研究生。 成绩优秀的毕业生可免试直接攻读硕士或博士学位,进入国内外知名院校和科研机构继续深造。


农 学


  专业介绍 农学专业主要培养具有宽厚的农学基础,能够熟练掌握并运用传统与现代作物遗传学、作物育种学、作物栽培学、耕作学、植物生理生化、种子生产及加工等方面的理论知识与技能,具有良好科学素质与研发、管理才能的高级复合型科技人才。本专业学生主要学习掌握农业生物科学、农业生态科学、作物生长发育和遗传变异规律等方面的基础理论和基本知识,接受作物生产和作物新品种选育等方面的基本训练,具有作物育种、作物栽培与耕作、种子生产与检验等方面的基本能力。

  主干课程 植物学、遗传学、育种学、作物栽培学、耕作学、种子学、农业气象学、农业生态学、田间试验设计与生物统计、植物生理学、植物生物化学、植物病理学、生物技术导论等。

   就业方向 学生毕业后能够在高等院校和科研院所从事教学和科研工作,农业管理部门从事管理和技术推广工作,各级种子公司从事种子经营管理工作,内贸和外贸公司从事农产品贸易工作,新闻出版单位从事农业科技知识宣传普及工作,也可报考本专业或相近专业硕士研究生,继续深造。


园 艺


  专业介绍 培养具备蔬菜学、果树学、观赏园艺学及设施园艺学的基础理论和知识,能在农业、商贸、园林管理等领域和部门从事与园艺科学有关的技术与设计、推广与开发、经营与管理、教学与科研等工作的高级科学技术人才。要求学生掌握生物学和园艺学等方面的基本知识、基本理论和技能,具备蔬菜、果树和观赏植物等园艺植物育种、栽培和病虫等有害生物识别鉴定、监测防治等方面知识和能力。

  主干课程 植物学、植物生物化学、植物生理学、遗传学、土壤肥料学、气象学、园艺植物病理学、园艺植物昆虫学、园艺植物育种学、普通园艺学、观赏园艺学、设施园艺学、园林景观规划与设计原理等。

   就业方向 学生毕业后可在科研机构、中等和高等院校、企业部门、行政事业单位等从事园艺作物栽培和遗传育种、园艺生物技术、现代园艺生产技术、现代设施园艺等方面的教学、科研、管理、开发和规划设计工作。也可报考园艺、生物技术及相关专业的研究生。



Plant protection

  专业介绍 培养富有创新精神、实践能力,具有开阔的国际视野,能够从事植物保护方面的技术与设计、研发与推广、经营与管理、教学与科研等工作的高素质的复合型科学技术人才。要求学生掌握农业生物科学、农业生态科学、农业病虫草生物学等方面的基础知识、基本理论和技能,具备病虫草等有害生物识别鉴定、监测和防治方面的知识和能力。

   该专业 2007 年被教育部批准为国家级第二类特色专业,植物病理学科为吉林省重点学科。植物保护教学团队与植物病理教学团队均为吉林省优秀教学团队。

   主干课程 植物学、植物生物化学、植物生理学、遗传学、微生物学、田间试验设计与生物统计、普通昆虫学、普通植物病理学、农业植物病理学、农业昆虫学、植物化学保护学、植物检疫学等。

   就业方向 学生毕业后能在植物保护、动植物检疫、海关、生物安全等行业从事基础科学研究、经营与管理、教学与科研等工作,还可在中央、省、市级植保机构以及农药化工等大中型企业从事技术开发和推广工作, 成绩优秀的可免试直接攻读硕士或博士学位, 亦 可报考植物保护及相关学科的研究生,或者出国继续攻读学位。

   咨询电话: 0431-87836263


Agricultural Resources and Environmental Science

专业介绍 培养具有农业资源高效利用、生态环境建设和保护相关知识与技能的高级专门技术人才。要求学生掌握土壤、水、养分、生物等农业资源高效利用的基础理论与知识,具有从事农业资源利用有关的技术推广与开发、经营与管理、教学与科研等工作的能力。

   主干课程 植物学、植物生物化学、植物生理学、微生物学、环境学、地质学基础、测量学、土壤学、植物营养学、环境监测、土壤农化分析、环境质量评价、土地资源调查与评价等。

   就业方向 毕业后可在相关科研院、所、高等学校、国家机关管理部门及大型企业、公司从事研发、技术推广、管理与规划等工作,亦可继续攻读土壤学、植物营养学、环境科学、生态学等学科的硕士学位。



College of Plant Science

  College of Plant Science has descended from the Department of Agricultural and Sideline Production in the previous Quartermaster University of PLA. In 2004, the management of Quartermaster University of PLA was transferred to the Ministry of Education and incorporated to Jilin University , and the College of Plant Science was set up by integration of the predominant disciplines.

   College of Plant Science is composed of 5 first-level disciplines: B iology , Crop Science , Plant Protection, Agricultural Resources and Environmental Science, and Horticulture . The college offers five undergraduate courses: Agronomy, Plant Protection, Horticulture, Agricultural Resources and Environmental Science, and Biotechnology (Plant). College of Plant Science has various divisions: Crop Science Department, Plant Protection Department, Gardening Horticulture Department, Agricultural Resources and Environment Department, Basic Biology Department, Mechanical Engineering Office, Teaching Center for Agricultural Experiment, Agricultural Teaching and Research Practice Base, Mechanical Engineering Teaching Internship Base, and Youth League (Student Affairs Office). Participating in the enrollment and construction of the biology postdoctoral research station and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology doctoral specialties, College of Plant Science has one Second-Level Discipline authorized to offer Doctorate Degree for Botany, three First-Level Disciplines authorized to offer Master Degree for Crop Science, Plant Protection, Agricultural Resources and Environmental Science, one Second -Level Discipline Authorized to Offer Master Degree for Botany, and four disciplines of Master degree of Agricultural Extension for Crop Science, Plant Protection, Horticulture, and Agricultural Resources and Environmental Science. Plant Pathology, Crop Genetics and Breeding have been named Jilin Province key disciplines since the Eleventh Five-Year period, and since the Twelve Five-Year period, Crop Science has been named Jilin Province key construction discipline, Plant Pathology and Plant Nutrition have been named the university key construction disciplines, and Plant Protection has been established as the country's "Second-level Special Discipline Construction Site".

   The College has a high-quality, great potential, very capable and innovative teaching staff, mainly from domestic top-flight universities and research institutions, such as Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhejiang University, China Agricultural University, Nanjing Agricultural University and Northwest University. The college has 55 full-time teachers, including 9 professors, 21 associate professors, 25 lecturers and 14 experimental teachers. There are 35 senior staff members, accounting for 50% of the total staff. The college has 10 Ph D supervisors, 47 full and part-time Master Instructors; 2 Tang Aoqing Chair Professors, and 15 part-time professors. There are 1113 students in the college, including 947 undergraduates and 166 graduates. Since 2008, 125 graduates have been recommended for exemption graduates of the renowned institutions of Tsinghua University , Peking University , Nankai University , Zhejiang University, Wuhan University , Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing Institute of Technology , China Agricultural University. 12 graduate students have been selected to Germany , Japan , the United States for Ph.D by China Scholarship Council. In 2012, a total of 11 students of the College undergraduates won National Scholarships, 28 students won National Motivational Scholarships, 237 students received state grants and 263 students received other various kinds of scholarships. The College has actively established links with more than 20 employing units, creating employment opportunities for students. Among the 2012-session graduates, 47 students were admitted to or recommended for admission for graduate students, six of whom study abroad, accounting for 23% of the total number of the graduates. In 2013, 32 graduates have been recommended for exemption graduates, for Master Degree in Nankai University , Zhejiang University, Peking University , Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Fudan University , Jilin University and others. Between 2008 and 2012, the one-time employment rate reaches nearly 90%. Most graduates have been employed in relevant industry sectors and play an important role in their respective jobs.

   The College has comprehensive and advanced hardware facilities and conditions for personnel training. The college has set up a total of 12 undergraduate teaching laboratories, including Plant Biotechnology Laboratory, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry Laboratory, Biology Laboratory, Plant Breeding and Genetics Laboratory, Plant Cultivation and Utilization Laboratory, Laboratory of Plant Protection, Ecology and Climate Laboratory, Laboratory of Agricultural Chemistry and Resources, Pesticide Laboratory, Computer-aided Design (CAD) Workstations, Digital Interactive Microscope Laboratory, Mechanical Engineering Integrated Laboratory. The experimental teaching is managed by Experimental Teaching Center . In 2009 Plant Science Experimental Teaching Center was named Provincial Experimental Demonstration Teaching Center . To foster undergraduates' scientific and technological innovation capacity, the College has established a series of integrated research platforms, such as Plant Molecular Biology Laboratory, Biological Genetic Resources and Utilization Research Center , the Research Office of Integrated Pest Management (IMP) and Research Office of Agricultural Ecology and Environment. In recent years, the Faculty has established Soil-Plant Molecular Genetics Laboratory, Professor Lin Chentao being the new chief scientist from the University of California , Los Angeles . The College attaches great importance to the students' practical ability and covers an area of 700,000 square meters of agricultural teaching, research and practice base, including 530,000 square meters of demonstration sites, 70,000 square meters of experimental sites, 3,000 square meters of solar greenhouses, 2000 square meters of intelligent greenhouses, and 15,000 square meters of orchards. In 2009, the College successfully declared the two projects of Agriculture and Forestry Pilot Practice Base from the Ministry of Education, and the total project funding reaches 6, 000, 000 yuan, greatly improving the conditions of experiments, internship and practice. And in cooperation with more than 10 enterprises, practice bases have been established, quipped with complete teaching facilities.

   The College continues to strengthen the teaching reform, strives to improve the quality of teaching, and makes effort to cultivate high quality talents. The College presides over the national multimedia teaching materials, national television textbooks, and national network courses respectively, two quality courses in Jilin Province , and a number of teaching reform projects. The College once won two Teaching Achievement Awards of the military, one first-prize award of Jilin Province multimedia courseware, two third-prize awards of national multimedia courseware. In 2010, the teaching team of Plant Protection was recognized as “Outstanding Teaching Team in Jilin Province ”, and so was the teaching team of Plant pathology in 2011. The College attaches great importance to the Student Innovation Experiment Program Project , enhancing the students' innovative capabilities. Currently, the college has accumulated 104 applications for innovative projects, the amount of subsidy reaching 218,000 yuan, including 7 country-level projects, 15 university first-level projects, 45 university second-level projects, 40 faculty-level projects. A total of 57 projects have been finished, of which three were named the university "Excellent Project". The number of participants in innovative projects accounts for about 30% of the total number of the students.

   The College has such research platforms as national and provincial engineering centers, key laboratories, and international science and technology cooperation bases. Currently, the college's national and provincial research platforms, such as Microbial Function Research Center , Provincial Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Engineering, Corn National Engineering Laboratory, Soil-Plant Molecular Genetics Lab, T ransgenic in Pilot Test Base Satellite Laboratory, have become important training bases for advanced scientific and technological talents in agriculture, in Jilin Province and even in the Northeast region. The College also has substantial scientific research cooperation with the University of Illinois in the United States, and established International Modern Agricultural Demonstration Promotion Base, which has been approved by Jilin Provincial Science and Technology Department for International Cooperation in Science and Technology Base, and at the same time, the base has also been recognized as Jilin University International Modern Agricultural Demonstration Promotion and Wisdom-Absorption Base.

   The College has presided over and participated in more than 60 research projects, such as the National Eleventh Five-Year Project, Twelfth Five-Year Project for National Sci-Tech Support Plan, 937 Project, 863 Project, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Non-profit Industry Schemes by Ministry of Agriculture, major and key projects by Ministry of Agriculture on the cultivation of new varieties of genetically modified organisms, programs for industry development, Returned Overseas Research Fund, and Provincial Science and Technology Project. In the start of the major and key projects on national bio-genetically modified cultivation of new varieties of modified organisms, the college has got various funding, the average annual research funding reaching about 9, 000, 000 yuan, which makes our research team into the national team ranks. The “Major Fungal Diseases of the Crop Disaster Mechanism and Green Prevention and Control of New Technologies” research team has been listed as training targets by the Ministry of Education. The college has got 19 provincial and ministerial level scientific researches, including 14 of the Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award and above. In the last few years, our research team has bred high-yielding, disease-resistant, new corn varieties, such as the 8th Army single, the 15th Army single, and Jida 101; high-yielding, high-quality, multi-resistant and widely applicable new rice varieties, such as Jida 3, Jida 6, Jida 7; and high-yielding and high quality new soybean varieties, such as Jidadou 1, Jidadou 2, Jidadou 3, in which the new rice varieties, Jida 3, and Jida 6 have obtained national plant new variety protection rights. In recently years, more than 550 papers have been published, including nearly one hundred included by SCI and EI, and 50 items patented.

   The College has positively carried out domestic and international academic exchanges and cooperation, and the results are very significant. We also have established stable research partnerships at home and abroad with more than a dozen universities and research institutes, attracting a large number of top-notch talents to our college. We also have carried out academic exchanges and cooperation with other prestigious universities and laboratories in more than 10 countries such the United States , Canada , Japan , the United Kingdom , Germany and Sweden , providing opportunities for the teachers and students to go abroad for further study, studying for degrees, academic visits and collaborative research. With frequent exchanges with foreign academics and the academic atmosphere, our college has an influence at home and abroad.

   Consulting Telephone: 0431-87836280


Biotechnology (Plant)

  Major Introduction: Biotechnology (plant) based on modern life sciences, is technology on the research, transformation and use of biology, and it is the mainstream of the development of the 21st century life sciences. In this major the study object is plants, and the research involves cellular, molecular and metabolic levels. Various aspects of cultivation can make students master the basic knowledge of the modern life sciences, basic theories and experimental skills, and understand the forefront of the scientific theory of life and the latest developments, finally developing students' awareness of innovation, focusing on the coordinated development of knowledge, ability and quality.

   Main Courses: Botany, Plant Physiology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Genetics, Cell Biology, Cell Engineering, Genetic Engineering, Protein and Enzyme Engineering, Fermentation Engineering, Bioinformatics, Natural Product Chemistry and Plant Metabolic Regulation.

   Employment Directions: After graduation students work in bio-related enterprises and research institutions, engaged in technology, management, teaching and research, and they can also apply for graduates related to Life Sciences. Outstanding students can go on to graduate studies for Master or Ph D Degrees without examinations or go to the well-known colleges and research institutions at home and abroad to continue their studies.

   Consulting Telephone: 0431-87836266

农 学


   Major Introduction: Agronomy aims to train complex scientific and technological talents with good scientific quality, research and development skills, who are able to master and apply the theoretical knowledge and skills in terms of the use of traditional and modern crop genetics, crops, crop cultivation, farming, plant physiology and biochemistry, seed production and processing. The students learn to master the basic theory and basic knowledge in the science of agricultural biotechnology, agro-ecological science, crop growth and development, and genetic variation of the basic theory and basic knowledge, receive basic training in crop production and crop breeding of new varieties, and acquire the capacity in crop breeding, crop cultivation and farming, seed production and inspection.

   Main Courses: Botany, Genetics, Breeding, Crop Cultivation, Farming, Seed Science, Agricultural Meteorology, Agricultural Ecology, Field Trial Design and Biostatistics, Plant Physiology, Plant Biochemistry, Plant Pathology, and Introduction to Biotechnology.

   Employment Directions: Graduates can participate in teaching and research work at universities and research institutes, in management and technology promotion in agricultural management departments, in seed business management in seed companies at all levels, in agricultural trade in domestic trade and foreign trade companies, and in spreading the knowledge of agricultural science and technology in press and publication units. Graduates can also apply for the professional or similar professional graduates for further studies.

   Consulting Telephone: 0431-87835716



  Major Introduction: Horticulture aims to train advanced scientific and technical personnel who are able to master the basic theory and knowledge of vegetable science, pomology, ornamental horticulture and facilities horticulture, in the fields of agriculture, commerce, landscape management, technology and design, promotions and development, operation and management, teaching and research work which are related to horticultural science. It requires students to master the basic knowledge of biology and horticulture, and other aspects of basic theory and skills, to have the knowledge and ability of pest identification, monitoring and prevention of horticultural plant breeding, cultivation and pest in vegetables, fruit trees and ornamental plants.

   Main Courses: Botany, Plant Biochemistry, Plant Physiology, Genetics, Soil Nutrients, Meteorology, Horticultural Plant Pathology, Horticultural Plants Entomology, Horticultural Plant Breeding, General Horticulture, Ornamental Horticulture, Facility Horticulture, and Landscape Planning and Design Principles.

   Employment Directions: Graduates can work in research institutions, secondary and higher education institutions, corporate sectors, administrative institutions, engaged in teaching, research, management, development and planning and design work, in the field of horticultural crops cultivation and genetic breeding, horticulture biotechnology, modern horticultural production technology, modern horticultural. Graduates can also apply for horticulture, biotechnology and related graduates.

   Consulting Telephone: 0431—87835706


Plant protection

  Major Introduction: It aims to develop high-quality complex scientific and technical personnel, equipped with innovative spirit, practical abilities, and broad international perspectives, who are able to engage in the plant-protection-related fields of technology with design, development and promotion, operation and management, teaching and scientific research work. It requires students to master the basic knowledge of the agricultural biological sciences, agro-ecological science, agricultural pest biology, to have the knowledge and ability of pest identification, monitoring and prevention of agricultural pest grass.

   In 2007, this major was approved by the Ministry of Education as a national second-level special major, and Plant Pathology was approved as a Jilin Province key discipline. Plant Protection teaching team and plant pathology teaching team are excellent teaching teams in Jilin Province .

   Main Courses: Botany, Plant Biochemistry, Plant Physiology, Genetics, Microbiology, Field Trial Design and Biostatistics, General Entomology, Ordinary Plant Pathology, Agricultural Plant Pathology, Agricultural Entomology, Plant Chemical Protection and Plant Quarantine.

   Employment Directions: Graduates are able to engage in basic and scientific research, business and management, teaching and research in terms of plant protection, animal and plant quarantine, customs, biosecurity and other industries.

   Consulting Telephone: 0431-87836263


Agricultural Resources and Environmental Science

  Major Introduction: It aims to d evelop senior specialized technical personnel, equipped with relevant knowledge and skills in terms of the efficient use of agricultural resources, ecological environment construction and protection. It requires students to master basic theory and knowledge of efficient utilization of agricultural resources, such as the soil, water, nutrients and organisams, and to develop the ability to engage in technology promotion and development, operation and management, teaching and scientific research, related to the agricultural resource utilization.

   Main Courses: Botany, Plant Biochemistry, Plant Physiology, Microbiology, Ecology, Geology Basics, Surveying, Soil Science, Plant Nutriology, Environmental Monitoring, Conversion of Soil to Agricultural Analysis, Environment Quality Appraisal, Land Resource Investigation and Appraisal.

   Employment Directions: After graduation, grauduates may work in related scientific research institutes, colleges, government managemnent departments, large-scale industries and corporations, engaged in research and development, technical promotion, management and plan. Graduates may also continue to study assiduously for master's degrees in Soil Science, Plant Nutriology, Environmental Science, and Ecology.

   Consulting Telephone: 0431-87836265